For Lawyers

Duke and Rawson’s in-house division works on behalf of companies and institutions of all sizes to recruit lawyers for their in-house legal teams.

Whether you are actively looking to move or just considering your options in the market, Duke and Rawson offers an approachable and insightful service. We focus on building long-term relationships with you based on integrity, professionalism and understanding. We strive to engender a sense that you can come to us at any stage of your career for guidance.

As a consultancy founded and managed by lawyers our competitive edge is through our people.

Value-added advice:

  • Our consultants draw on their own backgrounds in the legal profession to assist you throughout the process of considering your options or moving jobs.
  • We listen to you and strive to ensure understanding of your current career position, experience and motivations.
  • We assist Associates with CV drafting and Partners with business plan preparation, providing constructive analysis and advice.
  • We provide you with market insight and information on salaries and bonuses.
  • We use the relationships and contacts we have developed with key decisions makers in companies, legal teams and HR to advise you of opportunities in the market and to create openings for you.
  • We ensure that you are prepared and confident for all interviews and meetings that we arrange for you, and we offer tailored interview training and mock-interviews to assist with this process.
  • We manage the entire interview process including feedback from both parties ensuring optimum preparation for follow-up rounds.
  • We advise on remuneration and relocation packages, and negotiate them on your behalf.
  • We provide strategic advice to assist you at all stages of the process including offer, acceptance and resignation.
  • At all stages of the process confidentiality is absolutely assured and under no circumstances will your CV or personal details be provided to any firm without your prior consent.

The expertise, contacts and personalised service offered by Duke and Rawson‘s consultants will put you at an immediate advantage when considering your next career move.